Entrepreneurship and Business Development in Mesoamerica - EDEM

About 700 registered users opened the diploma course in entrepreneurship

June 28, 2020
ADELANTE Programme: Triangular Cooperation European Union Latin America and the Caribbean

A second version of the Virtual Training Diploma Course in Entrepreneurship and Innovation given by EAN University was launched, with participants from Costa Rica, El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, and Panama, among other countries.

This exercise is carried out within the framework of Triangular Cooperation, through the "EDEM - Entrepreneurship and Business Development in Mesoamerica" Project coordinated by the Presidential Agency of International Cooperation (APC-Colombia) and financed by the European Union.

This year's Diploma Course has an additional module, for a total of seven. This last module deals with women's entrepreneurship and will address these four topics: women's entrepreneurship and general figures, a presentation of the current global trends, a close look at soft skills and, finally the topic of empowerment.

The EDEM Project identified that the sustainability of the project and of the objectives achieved requires the integration of women into entrepreneurship initiatives. Therefore, in order to guarantee the implementation of tools to support entrepreneurship and the advancement of entrepreneurial strategies in the countries of Mesoamerica, it was considered as necessary to include a module specifically dedicated to women's entrepreneurship, which would allow the participants of the Diploma Course to understand their own characteristics and identify the tools that can be used to strengthen them.

This Diploma Course will be available until August, in virtual mode. Each module is self-informative and self-evaluating and will be reinforced with webinars for each topic. Participants will be successful if they reach a minimum score of 70/100 through self-evaluation, and they will have 20 hours per week for each module.