Knowledge Bank

The ADELANTE Programme has been structured around 8 Triangular Cooperation projects in various thematic areas, in several countries, with all types of actors (more than 50 organisations from 18 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, in addition to several European institutions), with diverse forms of collaboration between them and with different intervention strategies. These projects have contributed significantly to the Region´s sustainable development and have generated interesting and useful sectoral and cross-cutting learning.

This section makes available to all interested parties the main learning resulting from the ADELANTE Programme, identified and systematised thanks to an interesting knowledge management collaborative exercise, and organised in three sections: success stories (´ways of doing´ that have generated positive results and whose replication in other projects can certainly bring the same results), best practices (reports on achievements highlighting the key success factors that influenced to achieve them) and lessons learned (experiences about events occurred during the development of a project and that have left useful learning for its dissemination and reuse).

See the knowledge that has been generated thanks to the ADELANTE programme

Good Practices

Costa Rica
El Salvador
República Dominicana

Agencia Presidencial Para la Cooperación Internacional (APC) - Colombia


Creation and implementation of a methodology for knowledge transfer

Description of the practice:

To develop and apply broad and participatory methodologies for knowledge transfer, so that all the learning generated can be replicated in the different countries by each of the participating institutions and applied beyond the implementation phase.

The EDEM project has developed a methodology for the transfer of entrepreneurship tools that consists of five phases:

  1. Socialization: a space is provided by the project so that the knowledge providers approach the potential recipients and disseminate the tool to be transferred, providing essential elements to define the relevance and scope of the practice.
  2. Exchange: once the institutions show interest, the knowledge provider prepares a systematic work package to transfer the tool. There are different exchange instruments such as virtual workshops, face-to-face workshops, technical assistance, among others.
  3. Implementation: when the institution that is receiving the knowledge has received all the training and education about the tool which is being transferred, it is ready to implement the result of the transfer within its institution, that is, to do it at least once. At this stage, the knowledge provider continues to accompany the beneficiary on a permanent basis.
  4. Sustainability: this phase is aimed at guaranteeing the continuity of the actions once the project ends, by working on areas such as politics, finance, gender, environment, appropriation, institutional capacity and technology.
  5. Replication: building the capacity of the institution that is receiving the knowledge to replicate this practice in other institutions in its region is the foundation of this process. This phase can be carried out together with the institution that originally provided the knowledge with the intention of fine-tuning the tool that was transferred.

Differentiating factors:

  • Apply knowledge transfer from the beginning of the implementation and from the design of each tool (in fact, each tool is applied from a socialization and exchange approach) and during the whole process (from an implementation, sustainability and replication approach), without waiting for the final learning.
  • Involve all actors, from knowledge providers to recipients and implementers, in all phases of the process.


Applying knowledge transfer methodologies from the start of the project and involving all the actors allows to:

  • Increase the ownership of all actors from the beginning of the process.
  • Adapt the solutions to the socio-cultural aspects of each country.
  • Identify possible risks and anticipate barriers in the transfer process.
  • Collect in an orderly manner the knowledge generated throughout the process by all actors.
  • Monitor more effectively the application of the transferred knowledge and its impact on beneficiaries, generating evidence that feeds back into the process.

The added value of Triangular Cooperation: (more information here)

1. Building ownership and trust.
2. Promoting complementarity and increasing coordination in development cooperation.
3. Sharing knowledge and learning jointly.
4. Co-creating solutions and flexibility.
5. Enhancing the volume, scope and sustainability of Triangular Cooperation
6. Achieving global and regional development goals through strengthened partnerships for sustainable development.


Author: EDEM

Thanks to the project, a methodology for knowledge transfer has been created and implemented, which is considered as a best practice that can be found in this Knowledge Bank of the ADELANTE Programme. Thanks to this methodology, important tools for business development and support to entrepreneurship have been transferred from Colombia to Mesoamerica. The most important of these are the MISE (Integrated Model of Business Services) and the 'Heroes Fest' (a tool to boost the entrepreneurial mindset and culture).

Author: EDEM

Thanks to the project, a methodology for knowledge transfer has been created and implemented, which is considered as a best practice that can be found in this Knowledge Bank of the ADELANTE Programme. Thanks to this methodology, important tools for business development and support to entrepreneurship have been transferred from Colombia to Mesoamerica. The most important of these are the MISE (Integrated Model of Business Services) and the 'Heroes Fest' (a tool to boost the entrepreneurial mindset and culture).