Supporting entrepreneurs to develop and strengthen their business ideas and supporting small and medium enterprises to increase their capacity for innovation.

Agencia Presidencial Para la Cooperación Internacional (APC) - Colombia
Cámara de Comercio de Bogota - Colombia
Cámara de Comercio de Cartagena - Colombia
Cámara de Comercio de Santo Domingo - Dominican Republic
Cámara de Comercio e Industria de El Salvador - El Salvador
Cámara de Comercio e Industria de Tegucigalpa - Honduras
Cámara de Comercio y Servicios - Nicaragua
Centro Regional de Promoción de la MIPYME – CENPROMYPE – El Salvador
Ministerio de Comercio, Industria y Turismo - Colombia
Ministerio de Economía - Guatemala
Ministerio de Industria y Comercio - Dominican Republic
Autoridad de la Micro, Pequeña y Mediana Empresa - Panama
Belize Trade and Investment Development Service - Belize
Comisión Nacional de la Micro y Pequeña Empresa - El Salvador
Ministerio de Economía Familiar Comunitaria, Cooperativa y Asociativa - Nicaragua
Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Comercio - Costa Rica
  • Officials and employees of ministries and public bodies with competence in the development of MSMEs in the countries involved in the project. 
  • Employees, professionals and advisors of entities, organisations and support bodies belonging to the entrepreneurial ecosystems of the countries involved in the project. 
  • Entrepreneurs and small or medium sized businesses in the countries involved.
2.368.000 €
1.894.400 €
45 months (November 24, 2016 - August 23, 2020)
  • The project has paid a study visit to the Parque Científico y Tecnológico de Extremadura -Science and Technology Park of Extremadura-  with the aim of learning more about the Extremadura ecosystem of innovation and entrepreneurship.

    » More information here

  • The ICA2 consulting company, linked to the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM) -Autonomous University of Madrid-, has carried out an international consultancy for the project in the field of knowledge management.

    » More information here

  • The project paid a study visit to Madrid with the aim of getting to know the Spanish ecosystem of innovation and entrepreneurship. As part of this visit, the project participated in the South Summit, one of the main global events on innovation and entrepreneurship, organized by Spain Startup and IE Business School

    » More information here

  • The European policies for strengthening productive capacity and sustainable business development were a reference during the project's development. In particular, the Communication entitled ""Pensar primero a pequeña escala" "Small Business Act" para Europa: iniciativa en favor de las pequeñas empresas".

  • The project took part in the workshop called "Planning of triangular cooperation projects" organized by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit / German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ) as part of the "Training Network on Triangular Cooperation for projects between Latin America and the Caribbean and Germany".


    • Visita de estudio a Colombia y participación en el taller ‘Planificación de proyectos de Cooperación Triangular’, para profundizar en el conocimiento y compartir experiencias sobre gestión de proyectos de Cooperación Triangular.
      » For more information click here

    • Visita de estudio a España y participación en el South Summit, en Madrid, para conocer experiencias españolas e internacionales en planificación y gestión de políticas de emprendimiento y desarrollo empresarial
      » For more information click here

    • Visita de estudio al ‘Parque Científico y Tecnológico de Extremadura (PCTEX)’, en Cáceres, para conocer experiencias en planificación y gestión de políticas de emprendimiento y desarrollo empresarial desde un enfoque regional
      » For more information click here



    • Intercambio de experiencias entre los proyectos EDEM y MIRADA CIUDADANA sobre emprendimiento y desarrollo empresarial, en Uruguay, para exportar la experiencia del proyecto EDEM al ámbito de actuación del proyecto MIRADA CIUDADANA
      » For more information click here

    • Participación de los proyectos ADELANTE en las dos ediciones del Diplomado en Emprendimiento e Innovación del proyecto EDEM
      » For more information click here

ADELANTE Programme: Triangular Cooperation
ADELANTE Programme: Triangular Cooperation

EDEM aims to support entrepreneurs and business men from Mesoamerica to develop and strengthen their business and business ideas. They have income as a result of their own effort and their capacity for innovation. The above is essential to reduce inequalities and eradicate the poverty of our countries. We are not alone, we do it together with governments, entities of support to the entrepreneur, private sector and social sector, based on successful Colombian experiences.


Goal 1.2

By 2030, reduce at least by half the proportion of men, women and children of all ages living in poverty in all its dimensions according to national definitions


The EDEM project contributes to Target 1.2 by strengthening the skills of entrepreneurs and businessmen so that their business ideas and enterprises are strengthened and generate jobs and income. To this end, the project transfers successful tools from Colombia to 8 countries of Mesoamerica for implementation, so that the rates of business creation and its life time increase.

Indicator 1.2.1

Proportion of population living below the national poverty line, by sex and age


As the entrepreneurial ecosystems of the 8 beneficiary countries increase their impact on business creation and strengthening, more jobs and income-generating opportunities are created, reducing the number of people below the poverty line. On the other hand, more dynamic entrepreneurship ecosystems strengthen a mindset and culture for entrepreneurship in the region that encourages economic development.

Goal 8.3

Promote development-oriented policies that support productive activities, decent job creation, entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation, and encourage the formalization and growth of micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises, including through access to financial services


The EDEM project contributes to Target 8.3 by strengthening the "SICA Emprende" strategy in the beneficiary countries. In some of them, this strategy has been turned into a law of entrepreneurship and the EDEM project strengthens this regulation by providing tools to support entrepreneurship at the service of the entrepreneur in the 5 SICA pillars: mentality and culture, support, education, articulation, financing.

Indicator 8.3.1


The project contributes to this indicator by strengthening the entities belonging to the entrepreneurial ecosystems in their accompaniment of entrepreneurs and microenterprises, in such a way that more people are able to increase their income by starting businesses and creating jobs.


Goal 9.3

Increase the access of small-scale industrial and other enterprises, in particular in developing countries, to financial services, including affordable credit, and their integration into value chains and markets


The EDEM project contributes to Target 9.3 through the transfer of financial tools to support entrepreneurship: seed capital fund and investing angels. These tools, with successful methodologies that are being applied in Colombia, will be implemented in the region with the support of Cenpromype within the framework of the "SICA emprende" strategy, facilitating access to financing for entrepreneurs in the project's beneficiary countries, with the support of the public and private sectors.



Good Practices

To develop and apply broad and participatory methodologies for knowledge transfer, so that all the learning generated can be replicated in the different countries by each of the participating institutions and a...

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Success Stories

Thanks to the project, a methodology for knowledge transfer has been created and implemented, which is considered as a best practice that can be found in this Knowledge Bank of the ADELANTE Programme. Thanks to...

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Thanks to the project, a methodology for knowledge transfer has been created and implemented, which is considered as a best practice that can be found in this Knowledge Bank of the ADELANTE Programme. Thanks to...

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Lessons Learnt

When formulating the project, the team ensured that it would have the political commitment of the ministries and sectoral institutions in each of the countries involved. However, this exercise was not repeated ...

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ADELANTE: programa de cooperación triangular de la Unión Europea para América Latina y Caribe
Entrepreneurship and Business Development in Mesoamerica - EDEM

The Chamber of Commerce and Services of Nicaragua (CNSC), the European Union (EU), The Colombian Presidential Agency of International Cooperation (APC-Colombia), and the Chamber of Commerce of Bogotá have joined forces to promote the Business Services Programme (MISE) in Nicaragua.

ADELANTE Programme: Triangular Cooperation European Union Latin America and the Caribbean
Entrepreneurship and Business Development in Mesoamerica - EDEM
Bogotá - Cali

The event took place from April 16 to 24, 2018 in Bogota and Cali and had the participation of 3 delegates from each of the following countries: Belize, Honduras, Nicaragua, Guatemala, El Salvador, Panama, Dominican Republic, Costa Rica and 3 delegates from Cartagena, who were in contact with the following institutions: the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism, SENA, Parquesoft Colombia, Universidad del Rosario, Confecámaras, Compensar, Pilot University innpulsa, Fondo Emprender del Sena, Chambers of Commerce of Bogotá , Caldas and Casanare, progra

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In this section you will find detailed information about the Entrepreneurship and Business Development in Mesoamerica project (EDEM), specifically developed for the media.

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