9 - 18 July 2019

Néstor González,
Expert in Knowledge Management

International consultancy to support the implementation of the 'Knowledge Management Strategy' of the EDEM project

Description of the consultancy:

Support for the validation and implementation of the strategy and the project management model involving three components

a. Description of the methodological process and documentation of activities.

b. Systematisation of learning in the technical component of the project and of triangular cooperation.

c. Development of 4 case studies.


  • To evaluate and strengthen the knowledge management strategy of the EDEM project, identifying improvement actions when potential weaknesses arise in its implementation.
  • To evaluate APC Colombia's knowledge management proposal focused on the South-South and/or Triangular Cooperation modality, making recommendations or proposing a work plan to strengthen it.
  • To disseminate the objectives and scope of a knowledge strategy among APC Colombia directors and officials, highlighting the advantages of its implementation for the institution.

Institutions visited:

APC Colombia

Activities carried out specifically:

  • Knowledge management analysis exercises at the institutional level in APC and at the project level in EDEM.
  • Instrumental training on knowledge management and analysis of support tools.
  • Workshop on awareness raising and strategic alignment of knowledge management in APC.

Main products:

  • Consultant's assessment report on the knowledge management strategy proposed for the EDEM project.
  • Toolbox of instruments contributing to the documentation of lessons learned and,
  • Bibliography or support material of good practices recommended during the working sessions in the strategy implementation.
  • Improvement plan or corrections, if required, for the implementation of the EDEM project strategy.
  • Provision of a Certificate of participation in the Consultancy (Project Management)
  • Document with recommendations for the APC knowledge strategy in relation to South-South and Triangular Cooperation.
  • xxxParticipatory workshop on the concept and application of knowledge management.


The consultancy provided a place for reflection shared by the project and by the coordinating institution itself, APC, where valuable inputs enabled the strengthening of knowledge management, dissemination and capitalization capacities at both levels. Thanks to this consultancy, EDEM has designed and applied a knowledge management methodology for all the actions of the project and, on the other hand, APC has strengthened and improved its knowledge management strategy at the institutional level.