Mirada Ciudadana - Good governance in Mercosur municipalities

Just as when you help your children to grow up and become stronger

San Isidro
August 01, 2018
ADELANTE Programme: Triangular Cooperation European Union and Latin America & the Caribbean

From the Mirada Ciudadana project we have been committed to strengthening the capacities of all our partners, observing their strengths and weaknesses, working together in the reaffirmation and application of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDOs) in their respective governments, so that they can work efficiently and Align to them, leaving also installed capacity in each place.

It is in this sense that part of the technical team of the project was in the city of San Isidro, Argentina, in a day where information was provided and work was done on international cooperation opportunities and funds, in particular some open calls for Argentina .

Continuing with this line of strengthening, she has developed, together with INEFOP, an Entrepreneurship and Gender workshop for women in the department, also working with a civil society from the Afro community.

In coordination with INEFOP, they continue to strengthen the community of the different municipalities, carrying out training courses for employment, such as various courses of road machinery management, and cleaning assistant, in Plácido Rosas, Villa Isidoro Noblía, Fraile Muerto and Aceguá Municipalities .

On the other hand, in the Brazilian municipality of Candiotta they worked with the officials training in Citizen Attention and, on the other hand, the Prefeito and its cabinet in Strategic Planning.

Among other tasks that align with this mission, Mirada Ciudadana was present at a Binational Meeting of the Uruguay-Brazil Border, supporting the Municipalities of Aceguá Brasil, Aceguá Uruguay, where issues related to health, social policies, culture were put on the table , tourism, environment and sanitation, security, integrated control area and infrastructure issues in this border area.