September 25 - tember 29, 2018
San Bernardino Council, Paraguay
Mirada Ciudadana - Good governance in Mercosur municipalities

Meeting for Political Dialogue in Paraguay

From 25th - 29th September, within the framework of the project Mirada Ciudadana, a meeting for Political Dialogue will be held in the Paraguayan city of San Bernardino. The participants will work with municipalities bordering San Bernardino and Presidente Franco, and the Mayor of Cerro Largo, Uruguay, will also be in attendance, along with his respective mayors, and the Uruguayan-Brazilian frontier partners, project partners.

From Paraguay they propose an instance on Decentralization, since there are important differences in the resources received by Uruguay, Brazil, Argentina, and Paraguay. The Paraguayans feel that their municipalism is the most affected because they receive less resources and want to exchange to advance a proposal and improve resources there in this country.

The Paraguayans consider that it is worth working for municipalism. They consider the municipalities as the level of government that is closest to the people and that is why it is worthwhile to make an effort and improve the quality of life of the people.