Mirada Ciudadana - Good governance in Mercosur municipalities

Mirada Ciudadana carried out the 2nd workshop with officials in Plácido Rosas

Plácido Rosas
September 18, 2017
ADELANTE Programme: Triangular Cooperation European Union Latin America and the Caribbean

This workshop was a brief meeting to listen to the opinions of the public employees. The question was: did anything change since the first workshop? Were there any positive developments?

For this activity we presented the panels that were elaborated jointly in the previous workshop and reviewed the main areas of interest and proposals.  In this sense, the main concerns were focused on the planning and organization of the work. In general, they highlighted that the work was being done with better coordination and planning. Also, the person in charge of the machinery showed that he was using the template that we had talked about in the first workshop. They pointed out that there was more motivation in some of the staff. It is also visualized that some of the participants were incorporating recommendations from the previous workshop; as an example in machinery, an official is learning new techniques from connecting with a road company that is working in the area. He goes to the construction site and learns the techniques and is applying them.

We are going to rescue this case as a good practice and we are already organizing an activity in which it can show drivers from other municipalities how to increase performance and improve the quality of work. On the other hand, it was proposed that they work with the administrative area so that they know better the times, the materials when they are needed and plan the times when there is little to do. To this end, they were asked to list routine tasks that can be done when, for some reason, progress cannot be made on priority issues.