Influir en las instituciones y sensibilizar a la sociedad civil sobre la realidad de las personas en situación de calle con el fin de lograr políticas públicas más eficaces orientadas a mejorar sus condiciones de vida.

Ministerio de Desarrollo Social - Uruguay
Ministerio de Desarrollo Humano e Inclusión Social - Costa Rica
Ministerio de Desarrollo Social - Brasil
Ministerio de Desarrollo Social - Chile
Ministerio de la Niñez y la Adolescencia - Paraguay
Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social - Colombia
Organización Internacional Ítalo-Latinoamericana (IILA) – Italia
  • Funcionarios y profesionales de las instituciones que integran RED CALLE.

  • Funcionarios y empleados de los ministerios y organismos públicos con competencia en las políticas públicas y en la atención a personas en situación de calle. 

  • Población en situación de calle de los países implicados en el proyecto.

592.376 €
473.842 €
31 meses - (1 abril 2017 - 31 octubre 2019)
  • El proyecto ha realizado una visita de estudios a Lisboa para conocer el trabajo que realiza la asociación CRESCER con personas en situación de calle. Destaca el proyecto 'É uma casa - Lisboa Housing First'.

    » Más información aquí

  • La profesora Isabel Baptista, investigadora del Centro de Estudos para a Intervenção Social (CESIS) / Centro de Estudios para la Intervención Social, ha asesorado al proyecto RED CALLE en el diseño y planificación de la visita de estudios a Lisboa.

  • El Programa EUROsociAL está en el origen del proyecto. A través de su componente ‘Sistemas integrales de protección social’, el Programa EUROsociAL impulsó la creación del ‘Grupo de trabajo permanente de América Latina sobre personas en situación de calle’, que es el embrión del proyecto RED CALLE.

  • El proyecto ha participado en dos eventos organizados por la European Federation of National Organisations Working with the Homeless (FEANTSA) / Federación Europea de Organizaciones Nacionales que Trabajan con Personas en Situación de Calle: la 'FEANTSA 2019 Policy Conference', en Oporto (Portugal) » Más información aquí, y la '14th European Research Conference', en Helsingborg (Suecia) » Más información aquí.

  • Los profesionales Vincenzo Castelli (de la organización social On The Road y consultor de EUROsociAL+, presentando la temática de las empresas de calle), Paolo Trevisanato (de la organización Proyecto Don Bosco, presentando la experiencia en Bolivia de defensa de los derechos de la niñez y la temática de los egresos carcelarios) y Fancesco Padovani (de la organización Proyecto Esperanza, presentando la realidad de las personas en situación de calle y los egresos carcelarios en República Dominicana) participaron como ponentes en el 'Foro Internacional Red Calle Latinoamericana', organizado por el proyecto.

  • El profesor Pedro Cabrera Cabrera, investigador de la Universidad Pontificia de Comillas, ha sido consultor del proyecto y ha coordinado el diagnóstico comparado entre los 6 países que integran la Red para conocer el estado de situación de las políticas públicas destinadas a la atención de personas en situación de calle.

  • La asociación alemana Gesellschaft für innovative Sozialforschung und Sozialplanung (GISS) / Asociación para la Investigación sobre la Innovación y la Planificación Social contribuyó a la conformación del 'Grupo de trabajo permanente de América Latina sobre personas en situación de calle', antecedente del proyecto.


    • Visita de estudio a la ‘Conferencia anual de la Federación Europea de Organizaciones Nacionales que Trabajan con Personas en Situación de Calle (FEANTSA)’, en Oporto, para profundizar en el conocimiento sobre las políticas europeas en esta materia.
      » For more information click here

    • Visita de estudio a Portugal, en Lisboa y Oporto, para conocer el trabajo de organizaciones sociales en la aplicación de la metodología ‘Housing first’, entre las que destaca la organización CRESCER
      » For more information click here

    • Visita de estudio a la ‘XIV Conferencia europea de investigación sobre las personas sin hogar’, en Helsingborg, para presentar los resultados de la investigación realizada en el marco del proyecto
      » For more information click here

Programa ADELANTE: Cooperación Triangular UE-LAC
Programa ADELANTE: Cooperación Triangular

Red Calle tiene por objetivo mejorar las condiciones de vida de las personas en situación de calle, una de las expresiones históricamente más despreciadas de la pobreza extrema, contribuyendo principalmente a los ODS 1 y 10. En la búsqueda de sociedades más justas, prósperas e incluyentes, Red Calle posibilita consensos internacionales para el desarrollo de acciones colectivas que fortalezcan los sistemas de protección social en América Latina.


Goal 1.3

Implement nationally appropriate social protection systems and measures for all, including floors, and by 2030 achieve substantial coverage of the poor and the vulnerable


The RED CALLE project contributes to Target 1.3 by improving the living conditions of street people (SP), one of the hardest cores of extreme poverty and exclusion. Red Calle contributes to deepening the in-depth discussion on sectoral policies and the need to strengthen social protection systems. If this dimension is not addressed, there is a risk that the bridge between assistance, social integration and the guarantee of citizenship rights will not be built. The right to decent work and the right to housing, health and education must be guaranteed for SP.

Indicator 1.3.1

Proportion of population covered by social protection floors/systems, by sex, distinguishing children, unemployed persons, older persons, persons with disabilities, pregnant women, newborns, work-injury victims and the poor and the vulnerable


The national diagnostic reports and the inter pairs review that was carried out make it possible to identify the gaps in access, coverage and quality of social protection systems in the six countries with regard to street people. The project allows to increase the vulnerable population covered by social protection systems or minimum levels of protection.

Goal 3.8

Achieve universal health coverage, including financial risk protection, access to quality essential health-care services and access to safe, effective, quality and affordable essential medicines and vaccines for all


The RED CALLE project contributes to Target 3.8 by increasing health coverage for street people (SP). According to the diagnostic reports, the health aspect has been a key driver of the imaginary linked to SP; the high rates of health problems among SP show a structural deficit in this regard. Discrimination against these populations constitutes a barrier to access to the universal health system. In the case of mental health, difficulties are even greater. In all countries it is necessary to make progress in specific programmes for the treatment of dual pathologies or addictions.

Indicator 3.8.1

Coverage of essential health services (defined as the average coverage of essential services based on tracer interventions that include reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health, infectious diseases, non-communicable diseases and service capacity and access, among the general and the most disadvantaged population)


The project contributes to this indicator by proposing regional guidelines on minimum standards for the provision of services, including health services, aimed at the population in street situations while ensuring access to and quality health care in general, and mental health services in particular.


Goal 2.1

By 2030, end hunger and ensure access by all people, in particular the poor and people in vulnerable situations, including infants, to safe, nutritious and sufficient food all year round


The RED CALLE project contributes to Target 2.1 by guaranteeing food, as a fundamental human right, in the various services of the network of care for street people (SP) in the six participating countries. This guarantee includes both direct provision and implementation of actions to ensure that SP have access to this right by their own means.

Indicator 2.1.1

Prevalence of undernourishment


The proposal of regional guidelines and minimum standards for the provision of services for street people (SP) that ensure access to food will allow to reverse the current levels of undernourishment in this population.

Goal 11.1

By 2030, ensure access for all to adequate, safe and affordable housing and basic services and upgrade slums


The RED CALLE project contributes to Target 11.1 by integrating the Ministries of Housing in addressing the issue of street people (SP) in all the intervention countries, which also face various forms and variants of severe residential exclusion in their cities. Homelessness is one of the most obvious representations of poverty, as well as one of the least discussed and visible issues of public policies aimed at tackling SP. Furthermore, homelessness is directly related to deteriorating health and it reduces life expectancy.

Indicator 11.1.1

Proportion of urban population living in slums, informal settlements or inadequate housing


The project contributes to this indicator by giving visibility to this issue in the different countries that make up the network as well as in the region. The right to adequate housing is a fundamental right, which is why States must guarantee access to decent living spaces where people in street situations (SP) can develop their potential, while also guaranteeing access to different basic services.


Goal 10.2

By 2030, empower and promote the social, economic and political inclusion of all, irrespective of age, sex, disability, race, ethnicity, origin, religion or economic or other status


The RED CALLE project contributes to Target 10.2 by strengthening national public policies for the care of street people (SP) from a structural approach that does not place solely individual attributions and responsibilities of people over their situation. It also recognizes the need to change the dynamics of production and consumption of the discarded society, where those who are considered as non-productive persons, i.e. the most vulnerable persons and those facing the greatest difficulties, are excluded and expelled. Reducing inequality and social fragmentation based on the right to social protection and decent work are intrinsic challenges to tackling poverty eradication and the street situation.

Indicator 10.2.1

Proportion of people living below 50 per cent of median income, by age, sex and persons with disabilities


The project contributes to this indicator by strengthening the prioritization, definition and implementation of comprehensive policies that address, from a rights-based approach, the multiple dimensions that street people (SP) have to face, promoting the participation of the population in this situation and the exchange with the community in general, seeking the restoration of violated rights as well as greater social integration.

Good Practices

Incorporating the dimension of political dialogue and institutional negotiation, from the outset and throughout implementation, was fundamental in order to ensure the project's governance.

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Lessons Learnt

At the beginning of the project, there was a theoretical framework for "Peer-to-Peer technical visits": one of the pillars of the project which consists of visits to each of the partner countries, including pol...

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Success Stories

Thanks to the project, a consolidated methodology has been developed and implemented for the joint creation of work agendas for peer-to-peer visits aimed at compiling best practices and issuing recommendations....

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