Proyecto SEDA - Sustainable Sericulture

The SEDA Project to extend South-South and Triangular Cooperation Ties with Ecuador

Buenos Aires
October 30, 2018

The Amazonian State University (Universidad Estatal Amazonica - UEA) of Ecuador joins the partner entities of the SEDA Project to promote the development of sustainable sericulture in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Ecuador has a long history of experiences in development cooperation and support of the sericulture activity in its territory. The country maintained with the INTI, which is the coordinating entity of the SEDA Project, a relationship of scientific-academic transfer activity through internships and trainings of professionals.

The incorporation of the UEA into the Project will bring experience and knowledge with respect to the productive reality of the silk farmers in Ecuador and will allow to consolidate the lines of investigation that the University has been developing on the topic of sericulture.