Proyecto SEDA - Sustainable Sericulture

The SEDA team in Brazil: studies and ideas to contribute to sericultural development and impulse

December 13, 2017
ADELANTE Programme: Triangular Cooperation European Union Latin America and the Caribbean

De izquierda a derecha, se encuentran la Dra. Rose Meire Costa Brancalhão; la Dra. Marí­a Aparecida Fernandez; Dr. Flavio Augusto Vicente Seixas;, Dra Lucineia de Fá¡tima Chasko Ribeiro; Dr. Wanderley Dantas de Oliveira; Dr. Marco Aurélio Schuler de Oliveira. Integrante de este grupo de trabajo es también la Dra. Ana Silvia Lapenta.

The group of researchers associated with the Seda Project through the State University of Maringá (UEM) has been organizing meetings to discuss studies and ideas to contribute to the development and promotion of soy production in the Latin American and Caribbean region.

The UEM Biotechnology Laboratory is in the State of Paraná, which is the region with the highest silk production in Latin America. From its headquarters, the UEM works together with state public agricultural extension agencies and other entities to develop family-based sericulture and sustainable.