Triangular cooperation: Colombia transfers knowledge to Honduras with entrepreneurial initiatives

November 01, 2019
ADELANTE Programme: Triangular Cooperation European Union Latin America and the Caribbean
  • The closing of the Emprendetón event will take place on 24 October 2019; this initiative was designed and implemented by the management of Mentalidad y Cultura, Innpulsa Colombia, and is carried out in Honduras.
  • This event is held within the framework of the Project of Entrepreneurship and Business Development in Mesoamerica - EDEM, as part of the European Union's ADELANTE Programme, and under the coordination of the Presidential Agency for International Cooperation, APC-Colombia.
  • On this occasion, the Honduran Council of Private Enterprise (COHEP), through the Business Development Centre Región 12, teams up with Impact Up, CDE MIPYME Región El Paraíso, with the management of the National Service of Entrepreneurship (SENPRENDE) of Honduras.

Emprendetón is a tool that Colombia transfers to Honduras, through international cooperation, to strengthen the young students' innovative mindset and culture, so that they learn how to identify the key phases and moments of entrepreneurship as a sustainable living option.

Thus, this event is consolidated as a space where four key objectives are met:

  • knowing the phases of entrepreneurship;
  • knowing the best practices of entrepreneurship and innovation;
  • knowing and appropriating new tools to be implemented;
  • networking and generating innovative business ideas.

Participants had free access to this event and it is expected that around 700 people, from seven regions of Honduras, will benefit from the learning and awareness-raising days; these days will also allow all entrepreneurs to focus their business ideas with an innovative and value-added impact.

This initiative, of which the first 100 participants enhanced their business ideas, was launched on 23 October at the Honduran Coffee Institute (IHCAFE), in Region 12 Central Honduras.