Providing training, tools and appropriate technology for sericulture to support women and vulnerable populations develop a sustainable economic activity.

Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Industrial (INTI) - Argentina
Centro Turístico y de Capacitación Sericícola y de Rebocería de Jiquilpa, Michoacán - México
Estación experimental "Indio Hatuey" - Cuba
Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA) - Argentina
Società Cooperativa Sociale SOCIOLARIO Onlus - Italy
Universidad de Buenos Aires (Facultad de Agronomía) - Argentina
Universidad Estadual de Maringá (Laboratorio de Biotecnología) - Brazil
Universidad Estatal Amazónica (Departamento de Ciencias de la Tierra) - Ecuador
Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana (Facultad de Ingeniería Textil) - Colombia
Universidade do Minho - Portugal
  • Officials and employees of the project's partner institutions. 
  • People in charge of the management of institutions involved in training in sericulture and sericulture production.  
  • Cooperatives, entrepreneurs of marginal sectors, small farmers, small craftsmen and sericulture producers of the involved countries.
  • Family units and communities of the project's direct beneficiaries.
2.283.805 €
1.684.991 €
60 months (January 1, 2017 - December 31, 2021)
  • The project has paid a study visit to the ITMA 2019 Textile & Garment Technology Exhibition, the textile machinery and innovation fair organized by the European Committee of Textile Machinery Manufacturers (CEMATEX), held in Barcelona. 

    » More information here

  • The Cooperativa Sociale SOCIOLARIO -SOCIOLARIO Social Cooperative- is a strategic partner since the origin of the project.

  • The Direzione Generale per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo - Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale -Directorate General for Development Cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation- and the Fondazione CARIPLO -CARIPLO Foundation- financed the initiative of the Organizzazione Internazionale Italo-Latino Americana - International Italian-Latin American Organization- (IILA) to create the "Latin American Silk Network (RELASEDA)", which is the embryo of the SEDA project, in which the Società Cooperativa Sociale SOCIOLARIO -SOCIOLARIO Social Cooperative also participates.

  • The project has paid a study visit to the Consiglio per la Ricerca in Agricoltura e l'Analisi dell'Economia Agraria -Italian Council for Agricultural Research and the Analysis of Agricultural Economics  (CREA), leader in the field of sericulture and owner of the European Union's bombix mori germplasm bank.

    » More information here

  • Professors Silvia Cappellozza, coordinator of the Consiglio per la Ricerca in Agricoltura e l'Analisi dell'Economia Agraria / Italian Council for Agricultural Research and the Analysis of Agricultural Economics  (CREA), Giovanna Salice, coordinator of the Latin American Silk Network (RELASEDA), Germano Allara, expert in natural dyes, and Giorgio Allara, expert in sericulture production, have served as advisors to the project.

  • The project has paid a study visit to the 2019 edition of the International Silk Conference, organized by the Universitá di Trento -University of Trento-, held in Trento.

  • The Universidade do Minho -University of Minho- has advised the project at different times and has become a collaborating partner during its implementation.

  • The project has paid a study visit to the FIBRENAMICS Group, the international multi-sector platform for the development of innovative fibre-based materials and products, coordinated by the Universidade do Minho -University of Minho- and based in Guimarães.

    » More information here

  • Professor Raúl Famgueiro, director of the FIBRENAMICS Group, the international multi-sector platform for the development of innovative fibre-based materials and products, coordinated by the Universidade do Minho - University of Minho-, has served as advisor to the project.

  • The project has paid a study visit to the 4th International Conference on Natural Fibers (ICNF 2019), with the theme 'Smart Sustainable Solutions', organized by the Universidade do Minho - University of Minho- and held in Porto, where it presented a paper on the achievements of the project.

    » More information here

  • Consultant Marina Chahboune has carried out an international consultancy mission for the project in the field of fashion sustainability, with a special focus on Circular Economy.

    » More information here

  • The Project has been invited by Messe Frankfurt (Frankfurt Trade Fair) to participate in its international textile exhibitions held in Argentina, receiving support for the dissemination of its activities through an info point and the inclusion of time slots in the event's official programme for presentations,  in addition to the corresponding media coverage.


    • Visita de estudio a la ‘Exposición Internacional de Maquinaria Textil (ITMA)’, en Barcelona, para profundizar en el conocimiento sobre las últimas tecnologías de procesamiento de fibras
      » For more information click here

    • Visita de estudio a la ‘IV Conferencia internacional sobre fibras naturales’, a la Universidad del Miño y al Grupo FIBRENAMICS, en Oporto y Guimarães, para profundizar en el conocimiento sobre sobre procesos y productos textiles innovadores y sustentables
      » For more information click here

    • Visita de estudio al ‘Congreso trienal de la Comisión Internacional de Sericultura (ISC)’, en Tsukuba, para profundizar en el conocimiento sobre biología celular y molecular en la industria sericícola
      » For more information click here

    • Visita de estudio al ‘Consejo para la Investigación en Agricultura y el Análisis de la Economía Agrícola (CREA)’, en Padua, para profundizar en el conocimiento sobre técnicas de producción sericícola
      » For more information click here


    • Consultoría internacional para el apoyo a la implantación de estrategias orientadas a la sustentabilidad en el sistema de la moda, de forma principal basadas en la Economía Circular
      » For more information click here

ADELANTE Programme: Triangular Cooperation
ADELANTE Programme: Triangular Cooperation

This project aims to contribute to the reduction of poverty in several countries in the Latin American region through the development of sustainable sericulture. To do so, the technical and organisational capacity of the recipient organisations will increase, and appropriate sustainable sericulture technology development will be strengthened. In the same way, access to critical inputs for sericulture production in Latin America will be improved and communication and horizontal South-South cooperation will be strengthened. At the end of the project, the prospect is that there will be several operating demonstration centres available, with professionals trained in all the sustainable sericulture techniques and collaborating on a South-South network. In addition, it is expected that the value chain of the silk will have been strengthened, and its production will have been improved.


Goal 1.A

Implement nationally appropriate social protection systems and measures for all, including floors, and by 2030 achieve substantial coverage of the poor and the vulnerable


The SEDA project contributes to Target 1.A by promoting sericulture as a complementary productive activity for low-income populations, encouraging environmentally sustainable practices and practices adding local value. Transferring knowledge and resources to improve the technical and organizational capacities of the participants responsible for carrying out the Project in all its dimensions, namely: scientific, technological and productive.

Indicator 1.A.2

Proportion of total government spending on essential services (education, health and social protection)


The project contributes to the infrastructure and human resources of the Project's applicant and co-applicant entities (state universities, municipalities, national research institutes); as well as the support of the triangular EU-LAC cooperation for the implementation of the activities aimed at the development of sericulture entrepreneurs and producers for poverty alleviation in the region.

Goal 8.2

Achieve higher levels of economic productivity through diversification, technological upgrading and innovation, including through a focus on high-value added and labour-intensive sectors


The SEDA project contributes to Target 8.2 by promoting sericulture as a complementary productive activity for low-income populations, encouraging environmentally sustainable practices and adding local value.



Goal 8.4

Improve progressively, through 2030, global resource efficiency in consumption and production and endeavour to decouple economic growth from environmental degradation, in accordance with the 10-year framework of programmes on sustainable consumption and production, with developed countries taking the lead


The SEDA project contributes to Target 8.4 by promoting sericulture as a complementary productive activity for low-income populations, encouraging environmentally sustainable practices and adding local value. To this aim, professionals are trained in good practices in the field of sustainable sericulture, value addition and design management, including the latest global trends in concepts of resource regeneration, circular economy, etc.



Goal 12.2

By 2030, achieve the sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources


The SEDA project contributes to Target 12.2 by promoting sericulture as a complementary productive activity for low-income populations, encouraging environmentally sustainable practices and adding local value.




Goal 5.5

Ensure women’s full and effective participation and equal opportunities for leadership at all levels of decision-making in political, economic and public life


The SEDA project contributes to Target 5.5 by granting a larger quota (70%) to women to attend trainings or events and by encouraging the formation of associative entrepreneurs' groups led mostly by women. The sericulture activity shows high levels of women's participation both in carrying out entrepreneurial activities and in bringing their capacity and knowledge in the field of production.

Indicator 5.5.2

Proportion of women in managerial positions


The project particularly supports entrepreneurial capacities from primary production to the elaboration of final products, promoting women's training in the working groups.

Goal 5.B

Enhance the use of enabling technology, in particular information and communications technology, to promote the empowerment of women


The SEDA project contributes to Target 5.B through training and technology transfer in the use of appropriate technology for sericulture production and material processing. Further contribution is also being brought through the construction of demonstration centers equipped with adequate technology for sericulture production and the added value for female entrepreneurs groups, as well as updates regarding marketing channels, virtual sales channels and marketing tools.




Goal 13.B

Promote mechanisms for raising capacity for effective climate change-related planning and management in least developed countries and small island developing States, including focusing on women, youth and local and marginalized communities


The SEDA project contributes to Target 13.B through activities of technology transfer and knowledge extension in agro-ecological and environmentally sustainable management, encouraging producers and sericulture artisans -many of whom are considered as vulnerable communities- to undertake responsible production strategies, promoting the non-use of agrotoxics, emphasizing the potential for reuse and recycling of silk production. These actions take place both in rural populations and in marginal urban and semi-urban areas, which have the knowledge to undertake the transformation of silk as a high value material.



Lessons Learnt

The National Institute of Industrial Technology (INTI), which coordinated the project, had an extensive experience of good cooperation with the European Union (and other international donors) and had its own pr...

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Success Stories

Thanks to the development, from the beginning of the project, of an inclusive communication and visibility strategy, which includes guidelines agreed upon by the different partners, it has been possible to guarantee a smooth external communic...

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Thanks to the project, the principle of circular economy has been introduced in the models of sericulture production promoted in the region. Based on a specialised consultancy, the necessary guidelines to apply...

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Good Practices

Defining and organising, within the framework of a methodology, a series of essential guidelines aimed at identifying the final beneficiaries and establishing the lines of work with them in the face of the chal...

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Proyecto SEDA - Sustainable Sericulture

On July 1st, Alessandra Silva, zoo technician and professor at the Universidade Estadual of Maringá gave a webinar on Sericulture, and how it can be a profitable and sustainable activity within the framework of complementary training in Animal Production.

ADELANTE Programme: Triangular Cooperation European Union Latin America and the Caribbean
Proyecto SEDA - Sustainable Sericulture

Textile Engineer Natalia Salvatierra from the National Institute of Industrial Technology was selected to participate in the "Post Cocoon Technology" international training at the Central Silk Technological Research Institute (CSTRI), Bangalore, India, organised by ITEC: Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation.

Proyecto SEDA - Sustainable Sericulture
Buenos Aires

The beauty of silk, as well as the charming and laborious process of obtaining it, are a source of multiple inspirations.

ADELANTE: programa de cooperación triangular de la Unión Europea para América Latina y Caribe
Proyecto SEDA - Sustainable Sericulture
Buenos Aires

The Faculty of Agronomy of the National University of Buenos Aires, Argentina, is one of the partner institutions of the Seda Project which carries out important research work in silkworm genetics and is responsible for the national supply of silkworm eggs, one of the critical inputs for the silkworm farming activity.

Proyecto SEDA - Sustainable Sericulture
Buenos Aires

At INTA Clodomira, Santiago del Estero, they managed to complete the silkworm breeding cycle.

ADELANTE Programme: Triangular Cooperation European Union and Latin America & the Caribbean
Proyecto SEDA - Sustainable Sericulture
Buenos Aires

On April 30th, INTA's technical expert for the Seda Project, Engineer Francisco Pescio, gave a free Webinar entitled "How to spread mulberry trees?" on spreading through seeds, cuttings and planting density.

Having knowledge about the cultivation of mulberry trees is of vital importance for the sericulture producers of the region; it is one of the critical inputs as the silkworms have a diet that consists exclusively of fresh mulberry leaves.

Proyecto SEDA - Sustainable Sericulture
Buenos Aires

The silk laboratory of the Faculty of Agronomy of the University of Buenos Aires (FAUBA) published a technical note in the Bulletin of the Association of Zootechnical Engineers of Argentina on the breeding of silkworms of the autumn 2020 stage.

The publication was made by Zoot. Eng. Margarita Guzmán, member of the work team in the sericulture laboratory of FAUBA.

Proyecto SEDA - Sustainable Sericulture
Buenos Aires

On 22 and 23 May, technical experts and professionals linked to the Seda Project participated in an international course on Sericulture, Agroecology and Sustainability given by Francisco Pescio within the framework of the Professional Master's Degree in Agroecology/UEM coordinated by Alessandra Silva who was also the organizer of this initiative.

Proyecto SEDA - Sustainable Sericulture
Buenos Aires

We have opened a cycle of virtual chats so that you can ask questions to our silk experts guests and they can answer you.

ADELANTE Programme: Triangular Cooperation European Union Latin America and the Caribbean
Proyecto SEDA - Sustainable Sericulture
Buenos Aires

A call for Project Ideas for sericulture entrepreneurs was launched within the framework of the Seda Project and with the financial support of the European Union through the ADELANTE Programme. The initiative seeks to strengthen value-added initiatives in the silk production chain that are sustainable, with a gender perspective and that contribute to poverty alleviation in vulnerable sectors.

Past events

Nov 08, 2018
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Proyecto SEDA - Sustainable Sericulture

Sericulture workshops in Buenos Aires

On the 8th, 9th and 10th of November there will be workshops on Training Good Practices in processing techniques in the silk laboratories of the National Institute of Industrial Technology (INTI) and in the Faculty of Agronomy of the University of Buenos Aires (FAUBA) in Argentina.

The workshops are focused on the...

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Sep 24 - 28, 20189:00
Medelin - Colombia
Proyecto SEDA - Sustainable Sericulture

2nd Meeting of the Proyecto Seda Committee

Sericulture experts from Latin America and Italy will meet from September 24 to 28 in Colombia within the framework of the Seda Project to discuss the actions of this project linked to the regional plan to promote the training, production, design and marketing of silk in Latin America and the Caribbean.

The agenda...

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Jun 21 - 23, 2018
Proyecto SEDA - Sustainable Sericulture

Silk workshops

On 21st, 22nd and 23rd June, within the framework of the project Proyecto Seda, the National Institute of Industrial Technology will host training workshops on silkworm rearing; the transformation of the material and degumming process; bleaching, and natural silk dyes.

Apr 10 - Apr 13, 2018
Centro Costa Salguero, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Proyecto SEDA - Sustainable Sericulture

Proyecto Seda at Emitex

Proyecto Seda will be present at Emitex, the annual meeting of clothing industry suppliers, from Tuesday 10th - Friday 13th, 2:00 pm to 9:00 pm in Centro Costa Salguero, Buenos Aires, Argentina.


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Oct 30 - Nov 03, 2017
Auditorio INTI, Av Gral Paz 5445 San Martín, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Proyecto SEDA - Sustainable Sericulture

International Workshop: "Silk farming as a tool for development and added value" and annual meeting of experts

Within the framework of the project Proyecto Seda, which is co-financed by the European Union through the ADELANTE programme, the 1st International Silk Workshop will be held on 30th and 31st October from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm, in the Auditorium of INTI’s central offices, Parque Tecnológico Miguelete, Avenida General...

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Press room

In this section you will find detailed information about the project Proyecto SEDA, specifically created for the media.

Corporate images of the project:

Download the project’s press release: