October 10, 2017
San Isidro, Argentina
Mirada Ciudadana - Good governance in Mercosur municipalities

2nd Meeting for Political Dialogue in San Isidro, Argentina

Next Tuesday October 10th will be traveling to San Isidro, Argentina, The Lord Mayor of Cerro Largo, Luis Sergio Botana, the Mayors of Cerro Largo, the Prefeito of Candiota, Rs, Brazil Mr. Adriano Castro and the Technical Team of the Mirada Project Citizen, to participate in the 2nd. Meeting of Political Dialogue organized by the Municipality of San Isidro within the framework of said project. In this event it is organized jointly with the hosts, which is the Municipo de San Isidro, led by Mr. Intendant Gustavo Pose.

The Mayor of Peñalolèn Sr. Carolina Leitao will also be participating.

This 2nd. MEETING of POLITICAL DIALOGUE, will have as a central axis PUBLIC POLICIES IN SUBNATIONAL GOVERNMENTS and will be held at the Alfaro Museum, located at Ituzaingo 557 in San Isidro.

This new meeting allows us to follow up the process of Political Dialogue initiated within the framework of the Citizen Look Project Seminar, developed in the city of Yaguarón,



Place: San Isidro, Bs. As. Argentina.

9.30 am - Opening of the event - Brief presentation of the Project.

9.45 am - Intendant of San Isidro, Gustavo Posse. Social policies, lessons learned.

10.15 am - Mayor of Peñalolen, Carolina Leitao, Public transparency as a model of social coexistence and participation

10.45 hs - Coffee Break

11.00 am - Intendant of Cerro Largo, Ec. Sergio Botana, Municipalities, decentralization and Territorial Development.

11.30 am - Prefeito of Candiota, Adriano Castro Dos Santos. The consortiums of municipalities in Brazil. Your role in the implementation of development policies (to be confirmed)

12.00 hs - Representative of the European Union and Foreign Ministry of Uruguay (to be confirmed).

12.30 am - Rapporteurship and questions. Moderator Dr. Arturo Flier.

1:00 pm- Press Conference

In the afternoon, delegations may visit some of the Good Practices of San Isidro: Social Table, Third Youth, Culture, Security or Youth.

13:30 hs - Shared lunch