Knowledge Bank

The ADELANTE Programme has been structured around 8 Triangular Cooperation projects in various thematic areas, in several countries, with all types of actors (more than 50 organisations from 18 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, in addition to several European institutions), with diverse forms of collaboration between them and with different intervention strategies. These projects have contributed significantly to the Region's sustainable development and have generated interesting and useful sectoral and cross-cutting learning.

This section makes available to all interested parties the main learning resulting from the ADELANTE Programme, identified and systematised thanks to an interesting knowledge management collaborative exercise, and organised in three sections: success stories ('ways of doing' that have generated positive results and whose replication in other projects can certainly bring the same results), best practices (reports on achievements highlighting the key success factors that influenced to achieve them) and lessons learned (experiences about events occurred during the development of a project and that have left useful learning for its dissemination and reuse).

See the knowledge that has been generated thanks to the ADELANTE programme

Success Stories

Thanks to the project, a consolidated methodology has been developed and implemented for the joint creation of work agendas for peer-to-peer visits aimed at compiling best practices and issuing recommendations....

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Thanks to the project, Thematic Meetings have been designed and carried out to address the subjects prioritised in the Political Dialogue meetings with the political representatives of each partner municipality,...

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Lessons Learnt

At the beginning of the project, there was a theoretical framework for "Peer-to-Peer technical visits": one of the pillars of the project which consists of visits to each of the partner countries, including...

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The National Institute of Industrial Technology (INTI), which coordinated the project, had an extensive experience of good cooperation with the European Union (and other international donors) and had its own...

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One of the main components of the Mirada Ciudadana project are the Political Dialogue Meetings, which consist of meetings between the authorities of the partner local governments to exchange ideas about the...

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Good Practices

Defining and organising, within the framework of a methodology, a series of essential guidelines aimed at identifying the final beneficiaries and establishing the lines of work with them in the face of the...

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