ENG-02-RED CALLE-Meta 1.3

Red Calle - Desarrollo de políticas de atención a las personas en situación de calle
1.Contribución como un todo, desde la temática principal del proyecto
The RED CALLE project contributes to Target 1.3 by improving the living conditions of street people (SP), one of the hardest cores of extreme poverty and exclusion. Red Calle contributes to deepening the in-depth discussion on sectoral policies and the need to strengthen social protection systems. If this dimension is not addressed, there is a risk that the bridge between assistance, social integration and the guarantee of citizenship rights will not be built. The right to decent work and the right to housing, health and education must be guaranteed for SP.
The national diagnostic reports and the inter pairs review that was carried out make it possible to identify the gaps in access, coverage and quality of social protection systems in the six countries with regard to street people. The project allows to increase the vulnerable population covered by social protection systems or minimum levels of protection.