Knowledge Bank of the ADELANTE Programme: sharing what we know to improve what we do.

June 09, 2020

Throughout its first four years of life, the ADELANTE Programme and its eight projects of Triangular Cooperation between Europe and Latin America and the Caribbean have generated positive impacts in a good number of countries of the region, effectively contributing to 27 Goals and 9 Objectives of the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development. Key to this has been the involvement and commitment of more than 50 public, academic and social institutions from 23 European and Latin American countries.

During the projects' implementation, besides contributing to the Region's integration and sustainable development, these institutions have generated interesting and useful learning, both sectoral and transversal ones.

With the aim of collecting and highlighting this learning, as well as sharing it so that it can be used by all interested parties, ADELANTE has carried out a knowledge management collaborative exercise, the results of which are gathered in its own knowledge bank, which is made available on the Programme's website. 

This knowledge bank is articulated around several 'types of knowledge' (best practices, lessons learnt and success stories*), with its core product being the 'pieces of knowledge', in which the most outstanding pieces of learning are gathered in an articulated and ordered way.

The 28 pieces available to date show the projects' commitment to quality, improvement and continuous learning. In turn, the bank and its availability to all interested parties also show the ADELANTE Programme and its projects' commitment to one of the key principles of Triangular Cooperation: "sharing knowledge and learning together".

Also in line with this principle, a commitment will be made to deepen dialogue with the main banks and repositories of South-South and Triangular Cooperation at the regional and global levels, both to facilitate access to information and to identify future areas of joint work.

The ADELANTE Programme Knowledge Bank can be visited here.


Lessons learnt: experiences about events occurred during the development of a project and that have left useful learning for its dissemination and reuse.

Best practices: reports on achievements highlighting the key success factors that influenced their realization.
Success stories: "ways of doing" that have generated positive results and whose replication in other projects can certainly bring the same results.