Mirada Ciudadana - Good governance in Mercosur municipalities

Learning to incorporate the Sustainable Development Goals into the governments closest to the people

Melo, Cerro Largo
April 26, 2018
ADELANTE Programme: Triangular Cooperation European Union and Latin America & the Caribbean

The Seminar on Sustainable Development Goals and the Subnational Governments in the Antel videoconference room, within the framework of the Mirada Ciudadana project, has been successfully developed and a very good public framework.

Mayors of Cerro Largo, Santa Clara, Candiotta, Yaguarón and Aceguá Brazil told of the work they have been doing since their management and the ODS with which they carry out their tasks in order to improve their municipality and the quality of life of its inhabitants.

The technical counterpart present at the conference is held with Ms. Lucía Hornes of the Uruguayan Agency for International Cooperation (AUCI), Carolina Ferreira of the Office of Planning and Budget (OPP) and Virginia Varela of the United Nations Program for Development (UNDP).

This instance began at 10:00 am with the presence of Intendente Sergio Botana who oversaw the opening, as well as mayors, authorities in general and civil society actors. It will be extended until the afternoon, with completion scheduled for 5:00 p.m.