DIALOGAS - Inclusive Development in Latin America: A Great Opportunity for Governments and Social Actors

Planning of activities for the year 2018

April 02, 2018
ADELANTE Programme: Triangular Cooperation European Union Latin America and the Caribbean

For the 2018 program, the execution of 5 workshops is contemplated. The themes of which were defined according to the needs of the beneficiary institutions and attendees of the Seminars organized by the Dialogas Project, held in Bogotá, Colombia and Santiago de Chile. For each workshop, it considers the participation of 9 people, of which 6 will be financed by the Dialogas Project, while three other institutions will be financed by CAF. At the end of the workshops, there will be a total of 45 financed participants, who will have shared and strengthened their knowledge and management of CTSE.

For this second stage of work, the following macro objectives were defined:

  • Identify strengths
  • Identify weaknesses
  • Identify transferability conditions
  • Define an action plan

In addition, each workshop will have as a work methodology, to focus the work based on the presentation of a case study led by one of the institutions participating in the Project, according to the prioritized points of analysis. In this way, the presentation of key questions will be carried out, it will be possible to discuss on the basis of a concrete experience and compare with the diverse realities of the region and then establish a final product consensually that registers the agreements and results of the activity.

Programming Workshops Project DIALOGAS 2018

1. Evaluation, data and information systems

Host country: Colombia

Date: April

Objective: To improve tools aimed at measuring and evaluating transversal and socio-emotional competences (CTSE), taking as reference case studies of some MESACTS member countries that have advanced in the definition, development and implementation of some type of evaluation.

Output: Work plan for coordinated implementation of agreed measurement instruments among participating entities.

2. Intersectoral articulation and action plan of CTSE programmes

Host country: Argentina

Date: May

Objective: To deepen the dynamics related to the objectives of strengthening SCT throughout the life cycle and in a vision of articulation of the different public policies involved.

Product: Document with guidelines for the design of intersectoral articulation mechanisms.

3. Individual and family psychosocial support

Host country: El Salvador

Date: June

Objective: To analyze individual and family psychosocial support mechanisms related to the CTSE strengthening processes.

Product: Guideline document for the design of individual and family psychosocial support services. Work plan for the implementation of a pilot project in interested countries.

4. Qualification frameworks and productive sector

Host country: Ecuador

Date: July

Objective: To deepen the mechanisms for including SCTs in national qualification frameworks and linking them to the productive sector.

Analyze the qualification frameworks that have already succeeded in including the SCTs and the institutional processes through which this result has been achieved.

Final product: Guidelines for the management of institutional processes related to the objective of including SCTs in national qualification frameworks.

Guidance document on mechanisms for linking them with the productive sector.

5. Pedagogical proposals, curricular frameworks and training of educators

Host country: Uruguay

Date: August

Objective: To deepen the pedagogical proposals for the development of SCTs taken as a reference in the participating countries. Deepening of national training experiences for educators.

Final product: Preparation of a consensual document of pedagogical principles for the strengthening of socio-emotional competencies with different age groups (primary school, secondary school, youth, adults).

Finally, a large closing seminar of the project has been planned for the end of 2018, to share experiences, lessons learned and future challenges.