Mirada Ciudadana - Good governance in Mercosur municipalities

The project Mirada Ciudadana holds a 1 day working event in the Municipality of Candiota, RS, Brazil

September 22, 2017
ADELANTE Programme: Triangular Cooperation European Union Latin America and the Caribbean

On September 22, 2017, the Citizen's View Team attends Candiota to define the priorities of the Prefeito and his work team to be carried out within the framework of the Citizen's View Project.

The day first involved a meeting with Prefeito Adriano Castro Dos Santos and Mrs. Adriana Langort, where the priorities, areas of interest and topics to be incorporated into the political dialogue were analyzed. It was very interesting and shows her empowerment and commitment to the project, confirming that this partnership with Candiota will be very positive.

Secondly, the Citizen's Look Team, accompanied by the Prefeito, began the workshop, which was divided into two parts: Diagnosis of needs and interests, and detection of Good Practices, with the participation of the Vice Prefeito, the Chief of Staff, the directors of health, planning, social, legal, development, financial, communication, culture and technicians from the different areas.

There was a brief presentation with visual support of the contents of the project and how it can help improve the quality of services, information, transparency and citizen participation.

The methodology applied consisted of each one writing on a card the issues that concerned them, or that they saw as a problem to be solved, promoted or developed.  Subsequently, they were grouped into three large groups: quality of services and management improvement; relationship with the community; and finally, issues related to territorial development, investments in infrastructure, geographical position, among others, with a broader view of the municipality, where they are seen as part of regional development.  

Finally, the same methodology was used to analyze good practices and activities that are being developed and are a source of pride for Candiota. Very interesting topics emerged, with a comprehensive approach that integrates civil society, rescues human values and coexistence, projects and actions in the areas of health, education, social inclusion, generation of employment opportunities and income improvement. These topics will be rescued for exchanges with other partners and other municipalities.

It was agreed to carry out the first training action with a group of officials who provide citizen service, in order to improve the motivation and quality of the service provided by the municipality to its citizens.

The excellent working environment of the Prefeito and his management team and the commitment to work on the prioritized issues are highlighted.