Proyecto SEDA - Sustainable Sericulture

Silkworms go to the Garten

Buenos Aires
July 03, 2017
ADELANTE Programme: Triangular Cooperation European Union Latin America and the Caribbean

As part of active, exploratory and experiential learning, many educational institutions incorporate silkworm breeding to teach the biological process and transformation of the material.

Teachers, children, and their families participate in the silkworm care process, from the collection of mulberry leaves until its encapsulation and final metamorphosis, getting to discover the wonderful world of nature.

Hugo Enciso, Head of the silk laboratory at the National Institute of Industrial Technology in Argentina, gave a talk for 4-year-old children at the Jardín Lenguas Vivas Kindergarten. A day during which the classroom became a space for sharing experiences about silkworms and the use of textile fibre.