April 11 - April 13, 2018
Hotel Tequendama, Bogotá, Colombia
DIALOGAS - Inclusive Development in Latin America: A Great Opportunity for Governments and Social Actors

Workshop 1: Evaluation, data and information systems

The Workshop has been organized within the framework of the DIALOGAS Project, co-financed by the "ADELANTE Program" of the European Union and promoted by the International Cooperation Agenda of Chile (AGCI). In addition, it has the support of the Instituto Italo Latino Americano (IILA) and CAF - Development Bank of Latin America and the collaboration of the Regional Cooperation Committee on Transversal and Socio-Emotional Competences (MESACTS).

The general objective of the workshop is to deepen exercises and theoretical-practical tools aimed at measuring and assessing transversal and socio-emotional competences (CTSE), taking as a reference a case study from a participating country of the DIALOGAS Project that have advanced in the definition, development and implementation of a type of evaluation. This with the purpose of promoting and strengthening the processes of measurement and evaluation of CTSE in each country.

Participants in the activity will be representatives of Latin American public institutions co-applicants of the DIALOGAS project and members of the MESACTS, as well as an international expert.

On this occasion, we will relate the MESACTS website in conjunction with the DIALOGAS Project to have a tool that allows us to participate actively in the activities planned for this year, through forums, news and publications